Ski Rental Agreement

In case of snowfall/time, higher ski cannot be refunded, cancellations are available only 28 days or more before the start of the rental contract. We look forward to all the feedback on the level of service we received in the shop. If you are not satisfied with the rental of your equipment, we would love to hear from you. If you accept the equipment from the shop, we assume that you are satisfied with the device offered. If you do not accept the proposed equipment, please note the manufacture and models of the equipment offered by the store and all reasons not to accept and send this information, and we will make a refund if the store has not fulfilled its obligations. For after-sales service, please send an email Materials from this site are provided for non-commercial personal use by potential HS customers or customers. As customers or potential customers, visitors to this site will receive a license for a copy to download (on a single computer) or to print a copy of the information found on this website only for personal and non-commercial use. Commercial use of this website or any material on this website is strictly prohibited. SH reserves the right to terminate this license at any time if you violate these Terms and Conditions, in which case you are required to immediately destroy all information downloaded, printed or otherwise copied from this site. SH reserves all other rights related to this site. All documents contained on the site are protected by copyright and protected by contractual provisions and global copyright laws. You cannot modify any of the materials found on this site; use for public performances, shows, sales or rentals; Remove, modify or modify copyrights or any other reference or protected trademark; or transfer the material on this site to another person. Unless explicitly stated in the restricted provision of the license (above), SH does not grant you an explicit or implied right to any of its trademarks, copyrights or other protected information.

The shop with which you make your rental contract is identified here on the website and in an email after your booking. We recommend having the name and location in the store resort before leaving the site. The purpose of this site is to enter into a lease agreement between you (the “customer”) and Ski Higher (the “Shop”) to rent snow equipment (“Equipment”). This equipment will be selected on this website for rental in a resort of your choice for your fixed term, in accordance with the price set by this site. Ski Higher (known here as SH) acts on behalf of the shop (as an introductory agent) to make a reservation for you, the customer, with the shop. Any debt resulting from the rental and use of the equipment remains at the shop. Ski Higher 399 175 033 RCS CHAMBERY is available to Ski Higher 399 175 033 RCS CHAMBERY, subject to these Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions of this website govern the rental of equipment to the customer by Ski Higher. By confirming your rent on this site? They post their consent to the terms and conditions below. The cost per day for equipment rental varies depending on the rental time chosen. If a refund is requested due to a reduced rental period, you are charged what you would have paid if you had booked in the first place for the shorter period.

Restitution is calculated using the daily allowance for the period actually used and without a proportional calculation of the longer period. In order to avoid any doubt, the refund is not calculated by dividing the price initially paid by the number of days booked and multiplying by the number of days actually used. In the event of an injury that prevents the use of equipment provided by Ski Higher, a refund may be provided for the remaining days of rental after receiving a medical note for this purpose.

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