18 Point Agreement

He stressed that history showed that Sarawak should form Malaysia with other states because of the influence and threats of communism. It is an obstacle to economic development and an obstacle to strengthening our nation. Unfortunately, the politicians of Sabah and Sarawak are using this point of agreement to improve their political performance. The 20-point agreement or the 20-point memorandum is a list of 20 points drawn up by North-Borneo, which proposes the terms of its accession to the new federation as the state of Sabah during the negotiations leading up to the creation of Malaysia. In the Malaysian law of the Malaysian agreement, some of the twenty points were included to varying degrees in the Constitution by Malaysia; others were accepted only orally and therefore did not obtain legal status. The 20-point agreement often serves as a point of contact among those who claim that Sabah`s rights have been eroded over time within the Federation. [1] Thanks for your (Noyze) response again, enjoy the feedback from a Western perspective… We know where we are and what you think of us. Bornian`s siblings… Change us! The agreement was reached with the United Kingdom government, the colonizer of Sabah and Sarawak. It has not been coloured by an independent country of Sabah and Sarawak, and the agreement clearly states that it must be linked to the existing states of the Malaya Federation.

And do your facts correctly, Sarawak or Sabah is not a state of Malaysia… we are a merger or partnership that has been asked to join the Westies just to win the majority of Bumiputra, or else it has been called the majority “Malays”. Are you asking me to grow up? I`ve grown up. Leadership that has severely hampered the growth of our Sarawak, both economically and socially. Why are the Westies so afraid of us, the Sarawakian, to make a difference? We just want you to persevere until the end of the agreement, when you asked us to join us and form a country called Malaysia. That`s all. If our leaders have made a mistake in their extremities, then we must change it to do it properly and correctly. If our leaders do not follow what is written in the agreement, we must make a change. Don`t be afraid to try to make a difference.

We just want to be as good as you guys, to have much needed facilities and infrastructure… But why do you bother and only give us “enough under” when all the resources have been collected by us? The current situation There have been numerous requests to revise the agreement to reflect social, economic and political changes over time. [2] The 18-point and 20-point agreements are intended to protect the rights of the people of Sarawak and Sabah in particular and do not mean that they are an independent country.

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